Sunday, January 17, 2010

strange days

So I couldn't sign on the other day. But whatever I am here today. Whenever I am unable to blog I still write in a journal. So I am going to live my life with the advice of movies. Sounds crazy, huh? Nothing else seems to be working and lets face it. I AM BORED OUT OF MY SKULL. How do people do it? Living their day the same routine every week. I watched "Yes Man" tonight and I agree with that crazy Allison girl in the movie. How can people live their lives the same day in and day out. This is why I have so much trouble keeping a job for a long period of time. I get bored.
But I guess I am being forced by the law to do what everyone else does and that is stay at the same job, full time. It is f*cking communism I swear. I will never get married again. It is all because of my ex-husband is not wanting to pay child support that he is forcing to prove that I could be working more hours and earning more money. What about the kids? No one cares about raising their own kids anymore? My daughter is only three yet I have to put her in preschool full time. If they could only see how much she misses me when I am gone and how attached she is...
Anyways I am getting myself all worked up over something that is so obviously out of my control. I have a job interview tomorrow, yeah!
As I originally was saying, taking advice from "Yes Man". I need to start saying yes to more things and get my life on more of a kick start because right now it feels like it is at a stand still.

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